Which sport do you enjoy following the most?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hello Nobody

If you are reading this, you most likely clicked on the wrong link and are about 2 seconds from leaving. Either that, or you are a family member who decided to click over here to: A. Help me feel better about my blog by giving me a "reader" or B. Check to see if I was making fun of you on the Internet. Regardless of how you got here, welcome to my Not So Wide World of Sports (and Other Stuff). Basically, I am starting this blog because I am a sports nut who spends too much time writing, reading, and thinking about them and also because I have had a number of family members tell me I should be writing about sports (probably to keep me from talking their ears off about games they haven't seen or players they couldn't pick out of a police lineup).

I've decided to call this the Not So Wide World of Sports in part as an homage to the ABC sports show I watched as a child, but also because I don't necessarily intend for this blog to cover a plethora of topics (or to appeal to a large number of people). While I keep up on many sports (too many if you ask my wife), my teams, the ones that bring me great joy and brutal pain, are the Los Angeles Dodgers, UCLA Bruins, Los Angeles Lakers, Chicago Bears, and FC Barcelona. Those would be my top tier teams that I root for with a passion that is most likely unhealthy and probably taking years off my life. There are other teams (LSU, LA Kings, LA Galaxy, San Diego Chargers, Notre Dame, Boston Red Sox, and Sevilla FĂștbol Club) that I root for or want to see do well for a variety of reasons (family ties, used to live there, they had players I loved when I was young), but my Fab 5 are the ones that significantly impact my life.

So I shall be using this blog as a means of talking about the various ways athletically gifted strangers affect my life, as well as other items, events and happenings that occur. Hopefully you will find it entertaining and worth the occasional visit. If not, at least I'll get these thoughts out of my head.